Here is his letter from the day after our Mother's Day call...
Dear Family,
So I heard that there is a song by Ed Sheeran that is in Twi... is it true??!!!! Cuz that is dope! When I get home I’ll translate it for you all haha.
So Skyping was great yesterday!!! I’m so glad to have been able to do that!
We had a baptism yesterday too that was cool. Her name is N. she had been coming to church for like a year but never got baptized. It was wonderful.
We have a great investigator. She is an old woman named M.A. Like I’m talking old old woman. She only speaks Effutu (local dialect) and Fanti (another local language similar to Twi). She has no Christian background so it’s really weird to be able to teach her like about God and Christ. Pretty cool unique experience you don’t get too often here in Ghana where people are very religious.
Can’t email pics cuz this computer isn’t safe but I hope that I will be able to next week!!!
Love you all,
Elder Janda (pronounced Elda Janda)
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