Monday, April 3, 2017

Week 26: Sharing the Good Word in Nsawam

And it came to pass that as Janda and his brethren were traveling in that land of Nsawam, they were guided by the voice of the Spirit to those whom the Lord had prepared.

And as they were thus in the land of Medie they met their brother P——-. And great was their joy when they found that he was still their brother in the Lord.

And P——- was a man of great strength, for he had surely borne many afflictions in the course of his days. Nevertheless he being a strong man of God endured faithfully the trials which were heaped upon his shoulders. And he receiving strength of the Lord pressed forward in the faith he had come to know.

For in his youth, P——-, not being a member of the church of God, therefore being lost, was discovered by the servants of God not many years past. And they teaching him, found that he was prepared of God and therefore he entered into the covenant with God by baptism.

And thus were the days of P——- in the land of Medie.

And as the day progressed I and Bawden were compelled to visit with the family of D——-, them having desires to enter into the covenant with God.

And it came to pass that after we had thus ended our preaching unto them, D——- asked "where did God come from?"

Now, I and my brother knowing the doctrine of God, having studied and prayed mightily that we should, were delighted to share with him the doctrines of salvation.
And it came to pass that the Spirit of the Lord fell upon us in such a manner that the truth could be taught according the David's understanding.

Therefore, D——-, press forward in the faith and enter into a covenant with Him that you are willing to take upon you the name of his only begotten son, that you too may receive these blessings, yea all that the Father hath. And on this wise was our speaking to D——-.

And it came to pass that the day was concluded and deemed a success in our eyes.

And on the morrow, we traveled to meet with K——-, he being in need of nourishment from the good word of God.

We then taught unto him the nature of and relationships therein of the Godhead.

That God, Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Ghost were three distinct and separate beings yet all encircled about in one purpose: To bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. God being the author of the plan, His son the key and way to accomplish the Father’s plan, and the Holy Ghost bearing witness of them as well as guiding the children of men through the Father’s plan.

We then showed unto him 'the Restoration' video. As the film began we again felt that unmistakeable presence of the Spirit descend upon us.

And I was reminded of the time 6 months ago when I bore my sincere witness to this man of the Prophet Joseph Smith. It was that day 6 months ago that my testimony of him was deepened.

And now I, being in the very room where it had happened those 6 months ago felt again that sacred witness of the prophet. He did see God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Of this I am sure.

And again my brother and I traveled to the land of Kutunse to meet the family of D——-. Therefore we are preparing to meet and encourage and uplift the family in order to persuade them to stay on the path and hold tight to the rod which is the word of God.

Having thus completed our ministry in Kutunse, we traveled into the dense jungles of Hebron to find the man called C——-, he also being desirous, yea zealous, that he may enter into the covenant of baptism and receive the blessings therein.

And as we discussed with him the things pertaining to salvation we found it difficult, yet not entirely impossible, to teach him as our languages were different.

Yet I and my brother, seeking the blessing from God to teach him, went forth without fear and taught him the commandments of God, namely the law of chastity and word of wisdom.

And we being filled with the Spirit testified boldly that obedience to these commandments indeed brings blessings from the hand of God directly to him.

And after all of this we were commanded to return unto the church of God and hear the words which the prophets of God were to speak unto us.

And many things were spoken of which I cannot write at this present time. But it sufficeth me to say that they were of the most spiritual nature and I was filled with the Spirit of God even that I learned many marvelous things from God pertaining to his kingdom.

And I would exhort you my brethren that you would study the things which were spoken by the mouth of the prophets of God. And also that ye would study the words of the scriptures which were preserved for our time that we may know where to look for a remission of our sins.

And I being tired from the difficulties of writing now close mine epistle to thee.

And I would that ye should know that I know that these things are true. That Jesus is the Christ.

And thus it is. Amen.